Sports Nutrition


I am passionate about helping all athletes, particularly runners, see how nutrition can help them reach their full potential!  Whether you are an elite athlete or training for your first race, nutrition plays an important role in helping you feel your best. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to figuring what will work best for you. I can help you learn how to fuel your body to not only improve your performance, but also have energy for the rest of your life outside of sport! We’ll talk about your intake throughout the day, pre and post training fuel, during training fuel, and any supplements that might be beneficial. 


We can also cover topics such as injury recovery and prevention, race day fueling, GI issues, dehydration, or hitting “the wall” in longer endurance events. I promise that I will not put you on a diet or make you give up any of your favorite foods. 


As a marathoner runner myself, I have seen firsthand the importance nutrition can have on running performance. I have been able to shave almost two hours off of my marathon time since I ran my first in 2006. Although my training has changed over the years, I know that nutrition has been one of the single most important factors when achieving my PRs.